Rideshare Accident Lawyer in Sandy

Ridesharing has made getting around Sandy easier and more convenient. Yet, with the rise of services like Uber and Lyft, there has also been an increase in accidents, causing unexpected turmoil in the lives of passengers, drivers, and even pedestrians. If you or someone you love has suffered injuries in a rideshare accident, we know the pain and confusion that can follow. What do you do next? We’re here to help answer that question.

At London Harker Injury Law, our Sandy car accident attorneys understand the unique complexities of rideshare incidents, from determining who is at fault to understanding the intricate insurance policies of rideshare companies. When you’re dealing with the aftermath of an accident, you need a reliable advocate who understands your situation, knows how to manage the system, and can help you recover the compensation you deserve. Let our Sandy rideshare accident lawyers take the lead in your recovery journey so you can focus on healing. Call 77CARCRASH today or complete our contact form for a free case evaluation.

Table Of Contents

    Why You Need a Rideshare Accident Lawyer

    In the wake of a rideshare accident, you might wonder if you need an attorney. After all, shouldn’t insurance take care of everything? Unfortunately, things aren’t always that simple. Here’s why having an attorney on your side can make a world of difference after an Uber or Lyft crash.

    • Understanding Rideshare Laws: Rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft operate under unique rules and regulations. An attorney experienced in these cases can work through the labyrinth of rideshare laws to uphold your rights and help you recover fair compensation.
    • Dealing with Insurance Companies: Insurance companies often attempt to minimize payouts to protect their bottom line. A skilled attorney knows how to negotiate effectively with these companies, ensuring you have a solid chance to get full compensation for your injuries and damages.
    • Determining Liability: In rideshare accidents, determining who is liable can be complicated. Is it the rideshare driver, the other driver, or the rideshare company itself? Your attorney can thoroughly investigate the accident and discover who is responsible for your injuries.
    • Calculating Losses: After an accident, you may be eligible for compensation that covers more than just your medical bills. An attorney can accurately calculate all the compensation you’re owed, including lost wages, pain and suffering, and other non-economic losses.
    • Representation in Court: If negotiations with insurance companies are unsuccessful, your case may go to court. In such a scenario, you’ll need a strong advocate to represent you and make a convincing argument on your behalf.

    Rideshare Accident Cases We Handle in Sandy

    At our law firm, we understand the many ways a rideshare accident can disrupt your life. That’s why we handle a wide range of cases to support those affected by these incidents. Whether you sustained an injury as a passenger in the rideshare vehicle or a rideshare driver hit you directly, our experienced attorneys are ready to assist you.

    • Injured Rideshare Passengers: As an Uber or Lyft passenger, you trust your driver to get you to your destination safely. Unfortunately, accidents do occur, and passengers frequently suffer significant injuries. Our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to handle such cases, fighting on your behalf to secure compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other damages.
    • Accidents Involving Other Motorists: If you’re driving your own vehicle and an Uber or Lyft driver hits you, establishing liability and seeking compensation can be complex. Our experienced attorneys will delve into the details, uncover the facts, and fight to ensure you receive just compensation for your injuries and losses.
    • Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents: Just like any other vehicle, rideshare vehicles can pose a threat to pedestrians and cyclists. If a rideshare driver hit you while you were walking or biking, you may face severe injuries and substantial medical expenses. Determining fault can be complicated, but our dedicated attorneys can investigate thoroughly and work to get the compensation you need from the responsible party.

    How Common Are Rideshare Accidents in Sandy?

    Utah authorities do not keep track of rideshare accidents specifically. Still, a study from Rice University and the University of Chicago found that rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft might be the cause of a two to three percent nationwide increase in fatal car accidents in recent years. A two to three percent increase might not sound like much, but it adds up to thousands of accidents across the country every year.

    Are Rideshare Companies Liable for Accidents?

    The question of liability in rideshare accidents depends on the specifics of the accident. Traditionally, rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft have maintained that their drivers are independent contractors rather than employees, which can complicate liability issues.

    However, these companies carry large insurance policies – up to $1 million per accident – that come into play under specific circumstances.

    Typically, if a rideshare driver is logged into the app and transporting a passenger or on the way to pick up a passenger at the time of the accident, this insurance may cover damages and injuries resulting from the accident. Uber and Lyft also provide insurance if a driver is logged into the rideshare app but does not have an active fare, though this coverage is less than when the driver has or is on the way to pick up a passenger. If the rideshare driver is not active on the app, then their personal car insurance will likely be the primary insurance in an accident.

    Yet, even with these policies in place, rideshare companies often go to great lengths to avoid paying out large settlements. They may try to shift the blame onto someone else involved in the accident to reduce their liability.

    This is where having an experienced attorney is crucial. Our attorneys understand the nuances of these cases and can help establish if and when a rideshare company’s insurance should come into play. They can challenge rideshare companies’ tactics to evade responsibility and advocate for you to receive the compensation you deserve.

    How Much Is a Rideshare Accident Claim Worth?

    The truth is, it’s challenging to provide a precise figure for the value of your claim without knowing the specific details of your case. Each rideshare accident involves different circumstances, injuries, and losses. There are various categories of compensation to consider when evaluating the value of your claim:

    • Medical Expenses: This includes the cost of emergency room visits, hospital stays, surgeries, medication, rehabilitation, and any future medical care you might need due to the accident.
    • Lost Wages: If your injuries prevent you from working, you may have the right to compensation for your lost income during your recovery. You might also be owed money for decreased earning capacity if your injuries affect your ability to earn in the future.
    • Property Damage: If your personal belongings sustained damage in the accident, you might receive compensation for their repair or replacement.
    • Pain and Suffering: This category covers the physical pain and emotional distress you’ve experienced due to the accident. It can include compensation for anxiety, depression, loss of enjoyment of life, and other emotional traumas.

    If a loved one died in a rideshare accident, you and other surviving family members could file a wrongful death claim. You could be entitled to compensation for funeral expenses, loss of financial support, and emotional suffering, along with your loved one’s medical expenses.

    How Long Do You Have to File a Rideshare Accident Lawsuit?

    Rideshare Accident Lawyer in Sandy

    In Utah, the legal deadline to file a lawsuit for personal injury cases, including rideshare accidents, is generally four years from the date of the accident. This rule means you have four years from the day you sustained your injuries to initiate legal proceedings against the party at fault.

    However, there can be exceptions or nuances to this rule. For instance, if the accident resulted in a wrongful death, the statute of limitations reduces the statutory timeline to two years. Moreover, the timeline might be longer if the injured party is a minor or is mentally incapacitated.

    While four years might seem like a long time, it’s crucial to start the legal process as soon as possible. Evidence can be lost, witnesses’ memories can fade, and it takes time to prepare a strong case. The sooner you seek legal counsel, the better your chances of securing a favorable outcome.

    How Much Does a Rideshare Accident Attorney Cost?

    We understand that financial worries can add to your stress in the wake of a rideshare accident. Medical bills pile up, and you may be unable to work, leading to lost income. In such challenging times, the thought of additional expenses like attorney fees can seem overwhelming.

    That’s why our firm operates on a contingency fee basis. This means you pay us nothing upfront. We only get paid if we get compensation for you. Our fees come as a percentage of the settlement or award that we secure for you. If we don’t win, you don’t pay us. This approach allows you to pursue justice and the money you deserve without adding to your financial burden.

    Contact London Harker Injury Law Today for Help

    In the wake of a rideshare accident, the road to recovery can be challenging. It’s crucial to have a dedicated advocate in your corner. Our experienced attorneys understand the intricacies of rideshare law, effectively handle insurance companies, and fight for the compensation you deserve. Don’t take on this difficult journey alone. Let us lighten your burden, champion your rights, and guide you every step of the way. Call 77CARCRASH or fill out our online form for a complimentary case review.


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